Sir Isaiah Berlin (1909 – 1997) was a Russian-British liberal thinker. He might be considered as one of the most important liberal thinkers in the twentieth century. When he was a child he had seen the Russian revolution, as an adult working for British diplomatic service in Washington DC and Russia, after that he became the most influential cold war intellectual to fight for liberty against dictatorship. Even he had an immense influence on western political thinking but few Thai academics have known his work not to mention people in general.
Influenced by him, I set up this project working with friends or sometimes alone by myself to translate his work to Thai readers who might find some interesting insights in IB vast understanding on liberty, counter-enlightenment thinkers, Russian thinkers, and literature, etc.
So far, I and friends produced a book called Messages to Our Century: Three essays for Our Century, the first book introducing him to the Thai public audiences. Apart from this, we translated many of his essays also. In the future might be interesting to collect it and publish it into books.
For this project, it will not be possible if I do not get kindness, generosity, and encouragement of Henry Hardy and Mark Pottle the trustee of The Isaiah Berlin Literary Trust of Wolfson College, Oxford University. I would like to thank them here.
Messages to Our Century: Three Essays of Isaiah Berlin
แด่ศตวรรษของเรา: ความเรียงสามชิ้นของไอเซยา เบอร์ลิน
Getting to Know Berlin’s Ideas
My Intellectual Path by Isaiah Berlin
บนเส้นทางปัญญาชนของผม โดย ไอเซยา เบอร์ลิน
Translated by Netiwit Chotiphatphaisal and Chayangoon Thamma-un
The Purpose Justifies the Ways by Isaiah Berlin
เป้าหมายเป็นหลักวิธีการเป็นรอง โดย ไอเซยา เบอร์ลิน
Translated by Netiwit Chotiphatphaisal and Chayangoon Thamma-un
The Best Books on Isaiah Berlin by Henry Hardy
แนะนำหนังสือไอเซยา เบอร์ลิน โดย เฮนรี ฮาร์ดี้
Translated by Netiwit Chotiphatphaisal and Chayangoon Thamma-un
History of Ideas
The Question of Machiavelli by Isaiah Berlin (Thai Version)
คำถามของมาเคียเวลลี่ โดย ไอเซยา เบอร์ลิน
Translated by Netiwit Chotiphatphaisal and Chayangoon Thamma-un
Two Concepts of Liberty (incompleted translation) by Isaiah Berlin (Thai Version)
มโนทัศน์สองแบบของเสรีภาพ (แปลยังไม่สมบูรณ์) โดย ไอเซยา เบอร์ลิน
Translated by Netiwit Chotiphatphaisal and Chayangoon Thamma-un
Russian Intelligentsia
The Role of the Intelligentsia by Isaiah Berlin
บทบาทหน้าของปัญญาชน อินเทลิเยนเซีย
Translated by Netiwit Chotiphatphaisal and Chayangoon Thamma-un