An Introduction Speech for Fahmi Reza – “Art as a Weapon to Fight Against Najib and His Corrupt Government”

Hello, everybody.

Fahmi speaking about how he used art against Njib and corrupted regime.

Today, we have a very special lecturer –Mr. Fahmi Reza, my fellow activist from Malaysia. He had received many awards such as the Most Outstanding Human Rights Film award for his documentary and the finalist for Freedom of Expressions award. However, he is not well-known among Thais. We are more familiar with other activists outside our ASEAN. In reality, the people of ASEAN bear many similar common grounds in our ways of lives, not to mention of abusing rights of people that is negative common which we has been shared. If we understand more about our neighbors, we would understand ourselves more easily. Similarly, if we learn more and work to understand how they are able to change their countries to be better, to overthrow corrupt regime in their country, then we might be able to do so in ours. Fahmi has a deep understanding also of our October 14th incident in 1973, which I think a lot of  Thais not knowing it comparable to him.

Me and Fahmi Reza after the event.

He appreciated much our fighting in that day, and he said we were very fortunate to have this history – the victory of people. I hope this attitude shared with our fellow citizens nowadays. Today, there might not be too many people in this meeting room, but the whole session will be recorded. Today, in the historical perspective, will be another important day in our history. The talks he will give us now, the things he will say, everything will be of use to us, citizens of Thailand. Hereby, it is my great honor to present to you; my friend, Mr. Fahmi Reza

Netiwit Chotiphatphaisal


Political Science Faculty, Chulalongkorn University